Why was a NAZI honored in the Canadian House of Commons?
Friday, September, 22, 2023 will be a day that will live in Canadian infamy. The day that Canadian politicians all stood up in unison and gave a rousing, standing ovation to a literal NAZI.
Friday, September, 22, 2023 will be a day that will live in Canadian infamy. The day that Canadian politicians all stood up in unison and gave a rousing, standing ovation to a literal NAZI.
by TU THANH HA, LORENZO TONDO ……………………….. MONTREAL, ROME — One of Canada’s wealthiest businessmen, Montreal cheese magnate Lino Saputo, is denying that his company has ties to a Mafia…
An official report from People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), submitted nine months after a Virginia government agency’s deadline, shows that the animal rights group put to death…
source:CanWest News Service HALIFAX – Nova Scotia Justice Minister Cecil Clarke has ordered a ministerial review into the use of Tasers in Nova Scotia after the death of a 45-year-old…
On Oct 14, Robert Dziekanski, a Polish immigrant flying on a plane for the very first time in his life, landed at Vancouver International Airport. Roughly 10 hours later, he lay dead on the floor of the airport lounge.