Scenes from the Republique: selected poems by BobbyZ

Scenes from the Republique: selected poems by BobbyZ

“Scenes from the Republique” (2000-2004) contains a series of thoughts, poems, song lyrics and observations written while hanging out/in at Cafe Republique in Outremont… Beauty and its subtle equivalent revealed itself all at once… some images were too harsh to comprehend while others captured the essence of what was happening all around me…

Où Est Serge Fiori?

Où Est Serge Fiori?

One of the best ideas, as we are so busy filling the air (and airwaves) due our fear of silence. Silence that helps us to regenerate, to form our thoughts and ideas, so that when we do fill the silence, it is with words that are well thought out, appropriate to the situation and therefore have power.